Idaptive named Overall Leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Cloud-based MFA Solutions

Wow! Right out of the gate and Idaptive is named as an Overall Leader in the recent KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Cloud-based MFA Solutions report. Most organization today are wrestling with how to better authenticate users. Passwords are not enough and Adaptive MFA has risen as a secure option for most enterprises. According to the report:
“Cloud-based MFA is the process of using a SaaS solution to gather additional attributes about users and their environments and evaluate the attributes in the context of risk-based policies. The goal of Cloud MFA is to provide the appropriate risk-mitigating assurance levels for access to sensitive resources by requiring users to further demonstrate that they are who they say they are.”
KuppingerCole evaluated 12 vendors’ services on a variety of use cases and technical capabilities, including advanced authenticators, mobile support, risk analysis and SSO, and SaaS integration. The report identifies the top solution providers in the market, evaluating each vendor against core functionalities. Here are the results from a technology point of view.

As you can clearly see, the Idaptive Intelligent Access Cloud is the clear technology leader among all of the alternatives. We believe this is due to our Next-Gen Access approach is the only industry-recognized solution that uniquely converges single single-on (SSO), adaptive multi-factor authentication (MFA), enterprise mobility management (EMM) and user behavior analytics (UBA). With Idaptive, organizations can elevate their security by intelligently limiting access to only verified users and their validated devices.
Idaptive was the only vendor to achieve the highest total product score in all product categories including security, functionality, integration, interoperability, and usability. Idaptive also outranks top cloud-based MFA providers in the Innovation and Technology Leadership rankings and was near the top of the Overall Leader ranking.
Notably, under Product Leadership, the author states that “Idaptive is at the high point”. With respect to Innovation, “Idaptive is slightly ahead of all others based on excellent support for leading edge authentication techniques, risk analysis and ability to process threat intelligence”.
The author of the report concludes that:
“Idaptive should be on the short list for any cloud-based MFA RFP.”
Download your complimentary report here.
– Corey