Idaptive 19.1 Release is Here

With release 19.1, Idaptive Identity Services supports the following features:
Custom portal login banner: You can now display a custom pre-login message to users logging into the Idaptive User Portal. For example, you can inform users that by accessing the User Portal they agree to your organization’s Privacy Policy.
MFA for Microsoft AD FS 3.0: You can now use Idaptive Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) as an additional authentication method in Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 3.0. This enables you to enforce Idaptive MFA for users accessing applications and services secured by AD FS 3.0.
Enhanced Partner Federation: You can now seamlessly access applications secured by Idaptive from Identity Provider (IDP) portals. Previously, applications launched from IDP portals required intermediary authentication to Idaptive User Portal. Now, you use your single sign-on credentials to directly access applications by simply launching them from an IDP portal.
User overview dashboard: You can now get an aggregated view of your users and user activity. The user overview dashboard provides an at-a-glance count of users, devices, and applications secured by Idaptive. You can also view the top applications users accessed in the last seven days, as well as a map of locations from which users accessed these applications.
For more information on 19.1 release, please visit release notes.